All posts filed under blog

Web Design Trends for 2015

This post originally appeared on A well-constructed website positions a brand with authority in an ever-crowded virtual information cloud. For any one brand identity, there can be hundreds (if not thousands) of similar competitors jockeying for the public’s attention, money, or click. When done well, a website delivers the brand message, earns trust, and provides a clear call to action for the audience to …

Birds on a Bat: The Evolution of the Cardinals Franchise Logo

Fredbird 2014

This post originally appeared on the TOKY Branding + Design blog October 15, 2014. St. Louis is the center of operations for most things TOKY and we’ve noticed a distinct uptick in baseball fever around town since the Cardinals are making another run for the World Series. You’d be hard pressed to walk down the street right now without seeing at least one person sporting the …

ad astra per aspera


When I was a kid, I poured over field guides to the night sky for hours – memorizing constellations like words that could be added to my vocabulary. One of my earliest memories is my parents taking me to watch the Perseid meteor shower, bundled up in layers of sweaters, sipping cocoa from a thermos on the roof of the car while we watched the …

new media and old school study


In the new age of viral digital media, what’s the legality of law enforcement asking civilians to turn off cameras? If you haven’t yet, hop over to Twitter and follow the #Furguson hashtag for a few. The events in Ferguson are testing how well our Constitution grows with new media and an ever expanding definition of American rights. I also suspect the ACLU will have …

caramel grail cookies

Or, brown butter + salted caramel cookies. The Holy Grail was filled with brown butter. That gold leaf was really caramel. Prep time:  30 MINS Cook time:  8 MINS Total time:  38 MINS INGREDIENTS 2½ cups all-purpose Gold Medal flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 cup unsalted butter, sliced 1¼ cup dark brown …